Hemophilia Society Nagpur Chapter

Webinar in association with Women's group

  • As a part of Bleeding Awareness Month, Women Group of HFI in association with Nagpur Chapter arranged a Webinar on 27th March '22. We had around 80 enthusiastic participation including HFI dignitaries. 

  • We had a presentation from Dr Nanda Pai - KEM hospital on "Oral Health Tips for Women and kids". She emphasized on self care for women and not to ignore or postpone their dental problems, including how important it is to have dental checkups every 6 months.

  • Dr Amol Kadu Consultant Orthopedician Nagpur presented on the importance of "Healthy Bones - A way to a Healthy Life". He explained the importance of daily walk, exercise and nutritional diet in our daily life. Importance of early detection of Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Sarcopenia and its treatment.

  • Both the informative sessions were concluded with question answer session.