Hemophilia Society Nagpur Chapter

Our Goals

  • To identify and diagnose people with bleeding disorders - The overwhelming majority of people living with inherited bleeding disorders still do not have an access to diagnosis, treatment and care due to lack of awareness.

  • Our society has facility for basic testing through our lab, providing factors and physiotherapy at Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Sitabuldi, Nagpur.

  • Provide adequate care and treatment at affordable cost and free of cost to deserving patients.

  • To organize camps-inhibitor testing camp,Physiotherapy camp, Homeopathy camp, Self infusion camps, free medicine distribution camp.

  • To provide counselling and psychosocial support to these patients.

  • Collect, interpret and disseminate data for better resource allocation for these patients.

  • Adocate for safe & sustainable treatment and care by involving the state government.

  • Fall back on central government for funds for patient care.

  • To educate and share knowledge about the disorder with the help of Educational CME, workshops, seminars and camps.

  • To ensure the resources, both financial and human, to help us achieve our goals by organising fundraising programs.